Jeff Whalley, Attorney, Washington State

Washington's Premier Restraining Order Attorneys

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King County’s Best Restraining Order Attorneys

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Experienced Restraining Order Attorneys

WA Best Civil Restraining Order Attorneys:

Our attorneys are well versed in Civil Protection Orders (RCW 7.105). They understand the nuances between Domestic Violence Protection Orders, Anti-harassment Protection Orders, Vulnerable Adult Protection Orders, and Sexual Assault Protection Orders. Their experience provides unmatched guidance through the court procedure. Our team will assist in drafting all pleadings, navigating service, and presenting the best case for you.

Aggressive Advocates for You:

Effective Communication: Skilled in articulating arguments clearly and persuasively, both in written briefs and oral arguments.Present your case in the best light possible as we turn over every stone to utilize the evidence necessary for your success. Our experienced restraining order attorneys get the best results by providing aggressive representation for all of our clients.

Team Centered Approach:

Our team focuses on the best outcome for our clients. We have dedicated team members to find all the evidence to help in your specific case. Those team members work closely with your attorney to present your case in the best possible light.This team centered approach carries on into the hearings where your attorneys will aggressively fight for your rights.

What Warrants a Restraining Order in the State of Washington?

Domestic violence includes several forms, recently recognized more broadly by Washington state law to include coercive control, unlawful harassment, and nonconsensual sexual conduct.

As defined by Washington State Law. Domestic violence is: Physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or the infliction of fear of physical harm, bodily injury, or assault; nonconsensual sexual conduct or nonconsensual sexual penetration; coercive control; unlawful harassment; or stalking of one intimate partner by another intimate partner, or by another family member or household member.

Types of Protection/Restraining Order Petitions as Defined by Washington State

Domestic Violence Protection Order

A petition for a domestic violence protection order, which must allege the existence of domestic violence committed against the petitioner or petitioners by an intimate partner or a family or household member. The petitioner may petition for relief on behalf of himself or herself and on behalf of family or household members who are minors or vulnerable adults. A petition for a domestic violence protection order must specify whether the petitioner and the respondent are intimate partners or family or household members. A petitioner who has been sexually assaulted or stalked by an intimate partner or a family or household member should, but is not required to, seek a domestic violence protection order, rather than a sexual assault protection order or a stalking protection order.

Vulnerable Adult Protection Order

A petition for a vulnerable adult protection order, which must allege that the petitioner, or person on whose behalf the petition is brought, is a vulnerable adult and that the petitioner, or person on whose behalf the petition is brought, has been abandoned, abused, financially exploited, or neglected, or is threatened with abandonment, abuse, financial exploitation, or neglect, by the respondent.

Antiharassment Protection Order

A petition for an antiharassment protection order, which must allege the existence of unlawful harassment committed against the petitioner or petitioners by the respondent. If a petitioner is seeking relief based on domestic violence, nonconsensual sexual conduct, nonconsensual sexual penetration, or stalking, the petitioner may, but is not required to, seek a domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking protection order, rather than an antiharassment order.

Sexual Assault Protection Order

A petition for a sexual assault protection order, which must allege the existence of nonconsensual sexual conduct or nonconsensual sexual penetration that was committed against the petitioner by the respondent. A petitioner who has been sexually assaulted by an intimate partner or a family or household member should, but is not required to, seek a domestic violence protection order, rather than a sexual assault protection order. A single incident of nonconsensual sexual conduct or nonconsensual sexual penetration is sufficient grounds for a petition for a sexual assault protection order

Extreme Risk Protection Order

A petition for an extreme risk protection order, which must allege that the respondent poses a significant danger of causing personal injury to self or others by having in the respondent's custody or control, purchasing, possessing, accessing, receiving, or attempting to purchase or receive, a firearm. The petition must also identify information the petitioner is able to provide about the firearms, such as the number, types, and locations of any firearms the petitioner believes to be in the respondent's current ownership, possession, custody, access, or control.

Stalking Protection Order

A petition for a stalking protection order, which must allege the existence of stalking committed against the petitioner or petitioners by the respondent. A petitioner who has been stalked by an intimate partner or a family or household member should, but is not required to, seek a domestic violence protection order, rather than a stalking protection order.

Are You Facing a Restraining Order?

Domestic violence charges are a serious issue in Washington State. An accusation of domestic violence can have serious consequences within Washington State’s criminal and civil legal systems, as well as a wide range of possible consequences on your personal life. Domestic violence charges could lead to a loss of child custody, a restraining order, and significant changes to your community reputation.

Domestic violence cases require the expertise of a veteran criminal and family court attorney. At Whalley Law we’ve specialized in domestic violence cases in Washington State for the last 14 years.

Whalley Law Team Washington State

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